CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.

Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc. is a not-for-profit NGO of artists, art managers, trainers, cultural workers, health advocacy workers, and volunteers - dedicated to providing free and quality, skills-based capacity building training, mentorship and scholarships in the field of arts, for the members of the community who are stigmatized and discriminated. 


 CAMP's thematic areas and key performance indicators (KPIs) are directly aligned with the following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals:

This page details the history of our 5-year advocacy of #ZeroStigmaPH

 For the most updated program details and activities, please visit our official FM Page: 

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

DKT Philippines Foundation, Inc. partners with CAMP for the implementation of their SODEX Program in the Province of Rizal 

[February 26, 2024  |  Angono, Rizal]

A formal partnership with DKT Philippines Foundation, Inc. and Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc. was finalized by DKT Philippines Foundation Head of Programs, Ms. Loida Almendares and CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement which states that CAMP will be the official CBO Arm of DKT Philippines Foundation, Inc. in the implementation of their Service Outreach Distribution Extension Program (SODEX) Program in the Province of Rizal.  SODEX is a family planning activity that is facility-based or mobile outreach event in partnership with Local Government Units, Public and Private Hospitals and providers, Civil Society Organizations, Community-Based Organizations or clinics, Department of Health Regional Offices, and the Commission on Population and Development, providing FREE family planning services (Bilateral Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy) for men and women in communities needing short-acting, long-acting and permanent types of contraception.

Together with the DOH Provincial Health Office (PHO) of Rizal and the numerous Municipal & City Health Offices under them, by having a local CBO like CAMP that thrives in local community building through their Camp Neñada community center in Angono, Rizal,   DKT Philippines Foundation, Inc. is hopeful that these implementation partnerships and outreach collaborations will make it easier for the community to access the FREE Family Planning Services through the numerous SODEX Outreach events that will be organized by CAMP throughout 2024.


[March 04, 2024  |  Binagonan Municipal Community Health Center, Pritil, Binangonan, Rizal]

As part of the celebration of National Women's Month, an Outreach Mission on Family Planning - Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL) Pre-Screening was conducted yesterday, March 4, 2024, at the Binangonan Municipal Community Health Center in Pritil.

The Local Population Office, led by Municipal Population Officer Ma Cecilia Liwanag Salazar, spearheaded this initiative. Partnering with the Local Population Office for this SODEX Outreach were the DKT Philippines Foundation, Inc., CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc., Camp Neñada Community Center, and the Rizal Provincial Health Office.

This SODEX Outreach event marks the first activity in the partnership and collaboration between CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc. and DKT Philippines Foundation, aiming to fully serve the province of Rizal in 2024.

#ZeroStigmaPH  #familyplanning  #ReproductiveHealth  #nationalwomensmonth2024

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Mar 04, 2024  SODEX Outreach - Binangonan Municipal Health Center, Pritil  - DKTxCAMP

Buhay na dunong: bukal ng sining

In celebration of the National Arts Month 2024, with the theme, Ani ng Sining, Bayang Malikhain, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, The Metropolitan Theater, and CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc. currently have an exhibit titled, "Buhay na Dunong: Bukal ng Sining Schools of Living Traditions Exhibit at The Metropolitan Theater - Gallery, Ermita, Manila, from 5 to 29 February 2024. This exhibit will highlight the various creative outputs of the SLTS, particularly, its cultural masters and students.


This exhibit marks the culmination of CAMP's year-long initial engagement with NCCA under the project entitled "Support to the Schools of Living Traditions/Institutes of Living Traditions and Intangible Cultural Heritage Program as well as other related activities".

Objectives of the Project 

Descriptiom of the Project 

The NCCA in partnership with CAMP Pag-Ayo, Inc. will continuously provide training workshops and other activities for the ICH and SLT Program alongside the development and production of the learning guides to effectively transmit the knowledge of the cultural masters to the learners and to document the art forms present in each cultural community. 

With the ease of COVID-19 restrictions on mass gatherings, the project shall be implemented on a hybrid basis through online and face-to-face activities from December 2022 to February 2024. Specifically, the strategies will be employed through face-to-face and online capacity-building activities such as assessments, training workshops, updating of the ICH inventory, learning guide development, and monitoring of inscribed elements. While most of the projects will be held online, some of the training workshops for the SLTs will be held face-to-face while following IATF protocols.


2024 Public trainings

The Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-Ayo, Inc. continues its quest towards a stigma-free Philippines with a series of workshops happening in 2024

Due to insistent public demand, we are presenting CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s 2024 public offering for HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) Training...  This 5-day public training is designed for private diagnostic clinics, employees on hospital settings, private medical practice and clinics (private sector).  


Interested parties may pre-register online through this link -

or inquire through our official email at


HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) Training is a certification workshop mandated by the Department of Health and conducted by accredited HIV Master Counselors and Trainers. It is a 5-day workshop that employs various methodologies to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of aspiring HIV Counselors. Successful participants will be certified by the Department of Health and included in the HIV Counselor Masterlist of the Philippines. 
In this training, the participants will be provided the latest and up-to-date information on the epidemiology, HIV testing algorithm, disease mechanism, holistic treatment, control, and prevention strategies based on risk necessary to impart basic and correct information during patient/client counseling/health teaching. They will also acquire counseling skills, although taught in the context of  HIV  testing, that can be applied to other aspects of health and social interventions. They will also be updated on the latest policies and guidelines in the conduct of HIV testing in the country. 

Our PrEPR Proposal at the Finals!

[January 18, 2023 - Manila, Philippines]  

CAMP’s entry to HOPE Philippines’ nationwide crowdsourcing call to search for solutions that increase PrEP use in the Philippines made it to the finals!

The proposed solution seeks to increase the demand for PrEP among key populations by building a strong community that will steward awareness and accessibility of PrEP, and champion the effectiveness of PrEP.

"PrEPR: PreP Reinforced" is an innovation proposed by CAMP’s very own Project Officers Matthew David, Jaybs Pobocan, and Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros, in collaboration with Roy Yap of Falcom Technologies.

The team’s proposed solution is the development of a closed-loop data ecosystem that aims to enable clinics and clients to monitor PrEP issuances - composed of a Clinics App for the delivery of PrEP services, and a Clients App to facilitate virtual consultations, refill requests, PrEP use monitoring, built-in with a social networking feature for users to interact.

The HOPE Philippines project is being carried out by the Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Epidemiology, Inc. (FACE, Inc.), with support from the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST PCHRD). 




2023 #ZeroStigmaPH Volunteers Needed! 

[December 1, 2022 - Manila, Philippines]  

This year’s theme for World AIDS Day is “Putting Ourselves to the Test: Achieving Equity to End HIV.” It encourages people to unite globally to eliminate the disparities and inequities that create barriers to HIV testing, prevention, and access to HIV care. First observed in 1988, World AIDS Day is a day to unite to help end HIV and remember those lost to AIDS-related illnesses.

At the heart of the barriers is the Stigma that surrounds HIV/AIDS, the LGBTQIA+ Communities, and Mental Health!  Let's all work together to aim for #ZeroStigmaPH

Culture and the Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc. is a non-profit organization of artists, trainers, health advocacy workers and volunteers who are passionate about reducing stigma and discrimination affecting the marginalized communities, particularly the PLHIV, LGBTQIA+, and people who have mental health conditions.   

This 2023, we will actively operate in the areas of NCR and Rizal, and the online sphere,  and will continue our efforts in implementing projects that are meaningful for the affected community and in support of the HIV service delivery network, towards #ZeroStigmaPH

JOIN US! We are open for Members/Volunteers, for an opportunity to be part and/or spearhead a Stigma Reduction Project with us this 2023!

Sign Up Here: 

Sept. 13-16, 2022 Provider Initiated Counseling to Testing (PICT) and Facility Based HIV Screening (FBHS) Training for DOH -MMCHD, 
This is CAMP's first Provider Initiated Counseling to Testing (PICT) and Facility Based HIV Screening (FBHS) Training with Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP). The training was commissioned by the PBSP, under the Project entitled “Advancing Client-centered Care and Expanding Sustainable Services for TB (ACCESS TB Project - Global Fund Grant for TB)”, in support of the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) implementation of the National Tuberculosis Control Program particularly the Philippine Strategy TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP), and in partnership with the DOH-Metro Manila Center for Health Development (DOH-MMCHD).
True to the #ZeroStigmaPH advocacy of CAMP, this series of training is aimed at developing the effective skills used for counseling, evidenced-based strategies, an appropriate non-stigmatizing attitude, and values consideration, in providing HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) to TB patients, STI clients, pregnant women, and other
#ParaSaBayan #ZeroStigmaPH #EqualityNCR
Sept. 20-23, 2022 Provider Initiated Counseling to Testing (PICT) and Facility Based HIV Screening (FBHS) Training for DOH -MMCHD, 
This is CAMP's second Provider Initiated Counseling to Testing (PICT) and Facility Based HIV Screening (FBHS) Training with Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP). The training was commissioned by the PBSP, under the Project entitled “Advancing Client-centered Care and Expanding Sustainable Services for TB (ACCESS TB Project - Global Fund Grant for TB)”, in support of the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) implementation of the National Tuberculosis Control Program particularly the Philippine Strategy TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP), and in partnership with the DOH-Metro Manila Center for Health Development (DOH-MMCHD).
True to the #ZeroStigmaPH advocacy of CAMP, this series of training is aimed at developing the effective skills used for counseling, evidenced-based strategies, an appropriate non-stigmatizing attitude, and values consideration, in providing HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) to TB patients, STI clients, pregnant women, and other Key Population.  DOH Certified Trainers Jon Fontilla, MD & Ian Felix Alquiros, PTRP,  for CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.
#ParaSaBayan #ZeroStigmaPH #EqualityNCR
August 29 to September 02, 2022 HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) DOH Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC) in Bicutan & Las Pinas.
A successful HCT Training was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s training team composed of DOH Master Trainer Jezamae Encabo, and DOH Trainers Ian Felix Alquiros and Ulysses Borres, last August 29 to September 02, 2022, at Axiaa Hotel, West Ave., Quezon City.  
This DOH Certification Training was commissioned by the  DOH-Metro Manila Center for Health Development (MMCHD), with funding support from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID, fhi360, under the EpiC Project. 
The 28 new DOH Certified HIV Counselors represents the strong commitment of the DOH-MMCHD in intensifying it's HIV differentiated service delivery program particularly to the hard-to-reach population including People Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) and People Who Use Drugs (PWUDs).
#EqualityTRC #EqualityNCR #ZeroStigmaPH
August 17-19, 2022 HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) Training for Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDFI) and HIV/AIDS Support House (HASH). 
A successful HCT Training was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s training team composed of DOH Master Trainer Dr. Jonathan Fontilla , and DOH Trainers Ian Felix Alquiros and Ulysses Borres, last August 17-19, 2022, at the Herald Suites, along Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.  
The Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. commissioned the training through U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID, fhi360, under the EpiC Project. 
This certification training was accomplished in coordination and partnership with DOH-NCR - Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Program - Metro Manila Center for Health Development (MMCHD).#ZeroStigmaPH
#EqualityTDFI #EqualityNCR #ZeroStigmaPH
July 26-29, 2022 Monitoring & Evaluation Training for Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDFI) and Partner CBOs. 
A successful Monitoring & Evaluation Training was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s training team composed of Dr. Jonathan Fontilla, Joemer Salamat and Rogeselle Monton, last July 26-29, 2022, at Tiara Oriental Hotel and Suites, along Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.  
The Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. commissioned the training through U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID, fhi360, under the EpiC Project. . Aside from the project staff of TDFI, it was successfully attended by the following CBOs who are active in the HIV Program: HIV/AIDS Support House (HASH), LAKAN Community Center,Positive Action Foundation Philippines Inc. (PAFPI), LoveYourself, Inc.,  AYAT Advocacy, Courage CARE, and Positibong Pasigueno.
#EqualityTDFI #EqualityNCR #ZeroStigmaPH
June 21-23, 2022 Pilot Training for AHI Dried Blood Spot Collection for the Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. (TDFI), HIV/AIDS Support House (HASH), and the Regional TB-HIV Support Network (RTHSN).
A 3-day Training was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s training team composed of Ian Felix Alquiros, Matthew David and HASH's CBS Trainer, Kim Oliver Puyot, last June 21-23, 2022, at the Jade Hotel and Suites, along Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.  
The Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. commissioned the training through U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID, fhi360, under the EpiC Project. It was designed to train the personnel of TDFI and the CBS Motivators of HASH on Dried Blood Spot Collection, a crucial skill in the upcoming flagship nobel research project of TDFI that tackles early detection of HIV infection during Acute HIV Infection (AHI) Stage.  
#EqualityTDFI #EqualityNCR #ZeroStigmaPH

HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) Training for Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. 

April 26-29, 2022  #EqualityTDFI  #EqualityNCR  #ZeroStigmaPH  
A successful HCT Training was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.'s training team composed of DOH Master Trainer Jezamae Encabo, and DOH Trainers Ian Felix Alquiros and Ulysses Borres, last April 26 to 29, 2022, at Jade Hotel and Suites, along Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.  The Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc. commissioned the training through U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID, fhi360, under the EpiC Project. 
This certification training was accomplished in coordination and partnership with DOH-NCR - Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Program - Metro Manila Center for Health Development.  Aside from the project staff of TDFI, it was successfully attended by the following CBOs who are active in the HIV Program:  HIV/AIDS Support House (HASH), SAIL Clinic Calamba, LAKAN Community Center, PUSH Inc., LoveYourself, Inc., APWAI, Gabay sa Pulang Laso, Courage CARE, and Positibong Pasigueno.
*HCT is a certification training conducted by the Department of Health, implemented by accredited HIV Master Counselors and Trainers.   It is a 3-day workshop that employs different training methodologies to prepare the trainees for HIV Counseling.  Successful participants will be certified by the Department of Health as HIV Counselors.
[April  27, 2022 - Manila, Philippines]  
Mental Health Awareness and Safe Space Practices (Online Webinar) 

A 1-hour online discussion/webinar module entitled "Mental Health and Safe Spaces Practices" for the employees of a new shipping/logistics company based in the Philippines.   The session was facilitated by Ms. Just Lynn Panaligan, RPm , one of the volunteer/member of CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc., It was attended by about 60 employees of the company, on April 27, 2022 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.  The event was made possible by Ms. Lean Marie C. Naredo (BNI Quartz) representing SunLife of Canada, Philippines.

[April  01, 2022 - Taguig City, Philippines]  
Art & Mental Health Lecture for Uni  |  Art  |  Cafe  | SpaceEvent Launch 

A 1-hour lecture-discussion entitled "Art, Mental Health, Work, Space" was facilitated by CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc's Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros.  It was attended by patrons and supporters of a brand new co-working / art / business space, Uni Art Cafe, located at Unit 5A (5th Level) Amber Place, 67 Bayani Rd., Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.  visit them at 

[February 28, 2022 - Manila, Philippines]  
Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) "SHIFTING THE POWER" featuring CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.

CAMP, through its Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, participated in an active learning series (live through zoom) on February 28, 2022 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.  The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), who believes in having a global perspective and way of thinking that can be translated and implemented locally, showcased local organizations that have explored and achieved tremendous success in involving communities in driving philanthropy assets and decision-making, by this event, CDP hopes to:

The  learning series featured Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc.,  Pagkakaisang mga Samahan ng Mangingisda (PANGISDA), Youth for Nationalism and Democracy (YND), and the Citizen's Disaster Response Network. 

The event is under the Assets, Agency and Trust (AAT) program of CDP -  a program of Global Giving in consortium with Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) and the Nonprofit Financial Fund (NFF).   It explores collaborative engagement with various civil society organizations including community-based organizations and people's organizations in line with allowing a long-term shift in the way local resources flow to local development needs.  The program assumes that assets, agency and trust are the most promising levers of change being rooted in the community to have the desired system-changing impact.  This very much contributes to our call of shifting the power and empowering community stakeholders for amplified voices in various platforms and representations.

[December 7, 2021 - Pasig City, Philippines]  
CAMP & Klaypel's #pagkakaISA Community Mural unveiling for the 33rd World AIDS Day [2021]

This 8ft x 16ft mural was designed by a group of young artists in response to research and data collected from the #MayStigmaBa Project of CAMP Pag-Ayo, Inc. Entitled #pagkakaISA, it means unity in ending (I)nequalities, (S)tigma, and (A)IDS, which also responds directly to the 33'rd World AIDS day theme.

In partnership with Klaypel  and LoveYourself Inc, CAMP's #pagkakaISA mural was launched and unveiled during the 2021 PLHIV Summit which was held in Ortigas Complex on December 7 to 11, 2021.  It served as a centerpiece for the culminating activity of the summit, where CAMP, through its Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros, had a chance to discuss the history and advocacy of CAMP #ZeroStigmaPH, including the 2021 #MayStigmaBa Project.  Some of the video outputs of the research was shown during the session.  Members of the PLHIV Community was asked to respond to the mural and how they felt about it.

#MayStigmaBa (MSB) Project

[December 15, 2021 - Mandaluyong City, Philippines]

Culture and the Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc. implemented a research project entitled #MayStigmaBa (MSB). MSB is a qualitative investigation into HIV stigma in the Philippines for men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) populations and their families. The project is funded by the Global Fund - Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Program through the Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations (AFAO) and Philippine country sub-recipient LoveYourself Inc. 

MSB aims to establish an understanding of the context of LGBT and HIV-related stigma in the Philippines. The results of the pioneering study is now being used to inform the policies of government and non-government organizations for the promotion of health practices in the country and the region. With the research outputs, we hope to: (a) improve stigma and discrimination reduction activities of community-based organizations by anchoring them on quality research; and (b) contribute to enabling environment, by addressing barriers to access, including stigma- and gender-related barriers to services. 

Specifically, the research project answered the following key questions: 

1. In what ways is HIV stigma experienced in the Philippines by MSM, TGW, and their families?

2. In what ways does HIV stigma in the Philippines hinder HIV awareness and testing? 

The project’s dissemination and culminating activities was held online held via Zoom, and broadcasted live in the official Facebook channels of: 

* CAMP (; and, 

* #MayStigmaBa Project ( 

MSB Dissemination Forum | December 9, 2021 | Thursday

10:00 AM Philippine Time

MSB Culminating Activity | December 10, 2021 | Friday

10:00 AM and 7:00 PM Philippine Time

All the recorded outputs were published in the official youtube channel of the organization: 

Or you can watch the complete playlist here:

HIV AWARENESS TALKRotaract District 3800  |  Rotaract Mandaluyong  |  December 4, 2021  In celebration of the 33rd World AIDS Day (2021) and on the occasion of Third Leader's Meeting, the Rotaract Club of Mandaluyong, following their focus on Disease Prevention and Treatment, held a virtual town hall featuring CAMP's Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros,  as Resource Speaker for HIV Awareness.  The almost 2-hour session covered topics such as, What is HIV/AIDS? (Causes, Symptoms, Preventives) , The Situation of HIV/AIDS in the Country,  Ending The Stigma, on HIV AIDS and the LGBT Community.  It was well attended by Rotaract Club members from the Rotary International District 3800 consisting of cities of Malabon, Navotas, Caloocan, Valenzuela, Marikina, Pasig, San Juan, Mandaluyong, and the province of Rizal.
#WorldAIDSDay2021 #ZeroStigmaPH  #RACMandaluyong #LabanMandaluyong#RotaractDistrict3800 #OneCountryOneRotarct #RotaryChangesLives
SOGIE 101 for  CAMP's Art and Advocacy Officer Marcel L. Miliam delivered a 2-hour talk through zoom for the management and employees of  #PrideMonth2021June 29, 2021, Tuesday, 5:00 PM
SOGIE 101 for  In celebration of the Pride Month 2021, CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc. in partnership with held a 2-hour talk on SOGIE.  The lecture is a continuation CAMP's advocacy of discussing equality and diversity and reach out to the private sector and promote #ZeroStigmaPH  #PrideMonth2021June 29, 2021, Tuesday, 5:00 PM
SOGIE 101 for  Marcel L. Miliam, during his SOGIE 101 talk.  Marcel is CAMP's Art & Advocacy Officer and the newest member of our Core Team.  He is a multi-awarded writer, poet and a theater actor.  A human rights advocate, Justice Access and Learning Officer (JALO), and also a Community Access to Redress and Empowerment (CARE) Officer.  He is very active in the HIV and AIDS and LGBTQIA+ Advocacy. #ZeroStigmaPH  #PrideMonth2021June 29, 2021, Tuesday, 5:00 PM

CAMP Core gains Mental Health & Psycho-social 

Support Trainers Certification

[July 25, 2021 - Quezon City]
Four CAMP Core Members have been certified as Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Trainers/Facilitators. In a series of Training of Trainers, CAMP Executive Director Ian Felix B. Alquiros, CAMP Training and Development Director Alissa A. Angeles, CAMP Reserach and Development Officer Rogeselle Burdeos Monton and CAMP Arts & Advocacy Officer Marcel L. Milliam, successfully completed the certification training held online last May 13, 14 and June 11, 2021. This training was given by the Center for DIsaster Preparedness (CDP) to further increase Mental Health and Psycho-social Support (MHPSS) Trainers and practitioners badly needed at this time of pandemic. The CAMP Core MHPSS team went on to roll-out their first MHPSS Training entitled KAMUSTA KA?: Kwentuhang Pag-ayo last June 25, 2021. This was done in partnership with HIV & AIDS Support House Inc. (HASH) for their Community Based Screening Motivators. It was a much needed time for these volunteers to take a mental health break and to process their experiences especially so that they are also burdened with the issues that they encounter with their advocacy and the clients that they selflessly serve. CAMP is now fully equipped to offer MHPSS Sessions for those in the Advocacy that it serves, among PLHIVs and LGBTQIAs and Private Sectors who would also need the same mental health and self care sessions. 
For more information on how to access this program and what else CAMP does, please visit our website at [], message us at our official Facebook page aat [], or drop us an email at At the root of what we do, we believe in healing through the arts, and in stigma reduction towards #ZeroStigmaPH.
Summary of Resilient Attributes for the June 25 MHPSS Session. (template c/o CDP)
The participants were 10 Community Based Screening (CBS) Motivators of HIV & AIDS Support House Inc. (HASH) based in the NCR and nearby provinces.
CAMP Core Team Members, Ian, Ali, Roge, and Marcel, facilitated the roll-out of the 1st MHPSS session of the organization.  This was done to complete the TOT Training provided by the CDP.   
A certificate of completion was presented to each of CAMP's four core team, who successfully finished the training program.
CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc. in collaboration with BNI Universe's Business Support Power Team (D'Optimizers), mounted a massive best value webinar last June 19 and 26, 2021 - 10 topics from 10 speakers across 2 Saturdays.  (Php 500 Registration Fee) 
The webinar series is titled #Survive2021 and was designed to  equip the participants with valuable tips and information with regards to topics that every company needs to survive the very challenging pandemic and post-pandemic period. 
---------Day 1 Topics June 19, 2021  |  Saturday10am to 12pm
  1. Preparing your Business for any Pandemic - by Christopher B. Santos 
  2. Alternative Work Arrangements in the Pandemic - by Atty. Peter Paul Romero
  3. Simplified Scenario Based Planning - by Nick David
  4. Reset and Rebuild Your Business - by Christine Joy Paz
  5. SOGIE for Business Leaders - by Ian Felix Alquiros

---------Day 2 Topics June 26, 2021  |  Saturday10am to 12pm
  1. Protect Your Most Valuable Business Assets - by Lyston Pasiliao
  2. Simple Hacks to Extend Your Financial Health - by Jehan Nenita Prochina
  3. Pandemic Proof Business Amidst Covid19 - by Cherrylyn Morales 
  4. Opportunity in Adversity - Finding Your Niche in this Pandemic - by Rowena M. Morenos
  5. Beyond S.A.D.D. - Create & Preserve Your Estate - by Rona Palisoc
MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY 101  by Ian Felix Alquiros
full details and registration
TELL TO HEAL A Therapeutic Creative Writeshop by Marcel Lim Milliam
full details and registration
WATERCOLOR ART WORKSHOPby Celvic Odile Villacorta
full details and registration link:

LAUNCHING OF CAMP's 2021 art advocacy prograMS 

[April 08, 2021 - Manila]

After a year long hiatus, the  Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-ayo, Inc., launched its 2021 Art Programs, the year-long program consists of a series of public online Art Workshops that is open to the public.  The funds generated through these public workshops will be used to fund a series of scholarship art workshop that will benefit a specific target members of the community affected by stigma and discrimination.  These art programs aims to produce a set of art advocacy e-books that will be promoted online, these 2021 activities will culminate in a virtual exhibition, slated to be premiered on December 01, 2021 during the celebration of the 33rd World AIDS Day 2021.     

#ZeroStigmaPH #ArtPrograms2021 

The Business of Woke (Talk) - Shifting to a Global Business Mindset BNI International Networking Weekwith BNI Universe and BNI Bayanihanwith CAMP Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros#ZeroStigmaPH  #iSTANbniFebruary 04, 2021
The Business of Woke (Talk) - Shifting to a Global Business Mindset BNI International Networking Weekwith BNI Universe and BNI Bayanihanwith CAMP Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros#ZeroStigmaPH  #iSTANbniFebruary 04, 2021
The Business of Woke (Talk) - Shifting to a Global Business Mindset BNI International Networking Weekwith BNI Universe and BNI Bayanihanwith CAMP Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros#ZeroStigmaPH  #iSTANbniFebruary 04, 2021

BNI Universe 

Quezon City, PhilippinesJanuary 2021 to present
CAMP Pag-ayo, Inc.Ian Felix B. Alquiros [Executive Director]Category: Non-Profits / Fundraising
Online Scientific Symposium called: Conquering COVID19 thru Public Health Education by Aliswag Lifelong Training CenterLecture on Stigma & Discrimination Reduction featuring CAMP Program Director, Dr. Jonathan Fontilla #ZeroStigmaPHMarch 26, 2020  ·
HIV in the Workplace Programa lecture for Pancake House and Max's Group of Companies by CAMP Program Director Dr. Jonathan Fontilla #ZeroStigmaPH
July 21, 2018
Usapang HIV - Live Discussion with CAMP Program Director Dr. Jonathan Fontilla Saturday episode of A Healthy Chat 9PM. 
#HIVAwareness  #yourpediaonline #docatobasco  #ahealthychat#ZeroStigmaPH 
November 28, 2020
HIV and SOGIE Orientation Lecture  (as a requirement for business permit compliance with Quezon City Health Department)for Sqreem Technologies Pte. Ltd.facilitate online by  CAMP Program Director Dr. Jonathan Fontilla #ZeroStigmaPH 
July 09, 2020
Cultural Humility: Assessment and Patient-Centered Care Approach in SOGIE.for Makati Medical Centerwith CAMP Program Director, Dr. Jonathan Fontilla#ZeroStigmaPH 
.June 24, 2019
HIV and SOGIE Lecture Sessionfor Far Eastern University (FEU) - Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) with CAMP Program Director Dr. Jonathan Fontilla#ZeroStigmaPH  #EqualityFEUOctober 23, 2019
HIV and SOGIE Lecture Sessionfor Far Eastern University - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (FEU-NRMF) Department of Opthalmology with CAMP Program Director Dr. Jonathan Fontilla#ZeroStigmaPH  #EqualityFEUOctober 24, 2019
SOGIE in the Citi Talks CITIBANK Philippines with CAMP Program Director - Dr. Jonathan Fontilla   July 4, 2018
SOGIE in the Citi Talks CITIBANK Philippines with CAMP Program Director - Dr. Jonathan Fontilla  June 28, 2019
SOGIE in the Citi Talks CITIBANK Philippines with CAMP Program Director - Dr. Jonathan Fontilla  October  22, 2019

CAMP, Inc. Partnership Milestone

Peer Education for Behavior Change Communication and Community Based HIV Screening Training for the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP).  July 30 to August 01, 2019. Stone House Hotel, Quezon City.
[Among the participants were representatives from the different church leaders from member churches, seminaries, and partner organizations of NCCP.]
Towards a Zero Stigma Philippines!
#ZeroStigmaPH #PreventionNotCondemnation #HEALtheILLS #CreateSafeSpaces #CAMPmilestone
Peer Education for Behavior Change Communication and Community Based HIV Screening Orientation/Training for the United Medhodist Church in partnership with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and Global Health Ministries. September 06 to 08, 2019. Pandan, Antique Province.#ZeroStigmaPH #PreventionNotCondemnation #HEALtheILLS #CreateSafeSpaces #CAMPmilestone
Peer Education for Behavior Change Communication and Community Based HIV Screening Orientation/Training for the United Medhodist Church in partnership with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and Global Health Ministries. September 06 to 08, 2019. Pandan, Antique Province.#ZeroStigmaPH #PreventionNotCondemnation #HEALtheILLS #CreateSafeSpaces #CAMPmilestone
Peer Education for Behavior Change Communication and Community Based HIV Screening Orientation/Training for the United Medhodist Church in partnership with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and Global Health Ministries. September 06 to 08, 2019. Pandan, Antique Province.#ZeroStigmaPH #PreventionNotCondemnation #HEALtheILLS #CreateSafeSpaces #CAMPmilestone
June 25, 2019 is the 1st Anniversary of CAMP Pag-Ayo, Inc.
A Stigma-Free Philippines where Culture and Arts is a catalyst for personal and societal transformation, psycho-emotional healing, and artistic development.

[May 2019  - Manila, Philippines]
The new official logo of CAMP Pag-AYo, Inc., special thanks to Martin Sy of #SMCares
Towards #ZeroStigmaPH
HIV Counseling to Testing (HCT) Training facilitated by CAMP, Inc. officers Dr. Jonathan Fontilla and Rogeselle Monton together with DOH Traner Mr. Ulysses Borres, [in partnership with DOH Region IV-B MIMAROPA]Hotel Lucky Chinatown (Binondo, Manila) August 13-16, 2019   #ZeroStigmaPH  #EqualityR4B
CAMP Program Director, Dr. Jon Fontilla, conducted a  Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for employees of Citibank Philippines  #ZeroStigmaPH  June 28, 2019  at Citibank BGC Taguig
CAMP Program Director, Dr. Jon Fontilla, conducted a  Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for employees of Citibank Philippines  #ZeroStigmaPH  June 28, 2019  at Citibank BGC Taguig
CAMP, Inc. facilitated the Integrated Peer Education and Community-based Screening (IPECS) Training for Vigan City.  It was made possible by Vigan City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina.   Vigan City Convention Center on June 17 - 21, 2019
CAMP, Inc. 's Research and Development Coordinator, Rogeselle Monton conducted a workshop on Journalism Sensitivity for LHIVE Free: Solidarity Conference for Broadcasters at Microtel Hotel UP Technohub, DilimanJune 13, 2019
CAMP, Inc. officers Rogeselle Monton and Matt David, together with other young HIV and Human Rights advocates finished TLF Share and Y-PEER Pilipinas's 4-day course on Legal Literacy.Makati Palace Hotel on May 28 - 31, 2019
[May 18, 2019  |  Hive Hotel and Convention Center, Quezon City]
CAMP, Inc.'s Program Director, Dr. Jonathan Fontilla, and Research and Development Coordinator, Rogeselle Monton attended the Philippine Mental Health Council's national consultation with stakeholders on the development of a strategic plan for the implementation of the Mental Health Act.
The event was organized by the Department of Health and the World Health Organization.
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for all the employees  of the DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC)-Bicutan  held at Club Morroco, Subic Bay ZambalesApril 25 & 26, May 2 & 3, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH 
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for all the employees  of the DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC)-Bicutan  held at Club Morroco, Subic Bay ZambalesApril 25 & 26, May 2 & 3, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH 
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for all the employees  of the DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC)-Bicutan  held at Club Morroco, Subic Bay ZambalesApril 25 & 26, May 2 & 3, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH 
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Training for all the employees  of the DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC)-Bicutan  held at Club Morroco, Subic Bay ZambalesApril 25 & 26, May 2 & 3, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH 
#WeMenCare. Because  men and women are equal partners in creating positive change, that's the essence of PinayPower. #BeBetter #CAMPInc #Collaboration #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, as Guest Speaker during  Pinay Power Area Launching in celebration of Women's Month 2019Lecture/Workshop title "...towards #ZeroStigmaPH" for  the Junior Chamber International (JCI) PhilippinesPeople's Center, Cainta, Rizal March 31, 2019
Through the invitation of JCI Makati and participation of JCI Paranaque Pambato, JCI Antipolo City Lights, JCI Cainta, JCI Quezon City Capitol, and JCI Sumbingtik
CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, as Guest Speaker during  Pinay Power Area Launching in celebration of Women's Month 2019Lecture/Workshop title  "...towards #ZeroStigmaPH" for  the Junior Chamber International (JCI) PhilippinesPeople's Center, Cainta, Rizal March 31, 2019
Through the invitation of JCI Makati and participation of JCI Paranaque Pambato, JCI Antipolo City Lights, JCI Cainta, JCI Quezon City Capitol, and JCI Sumbingtik
CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, as Guest Speaker during  Pinay Power Area Launching in celebration of Women's Month 2019Lecture/Workshop title "...towards #ZeroStigmaPH" for  the Junior Chamber International (JCI) PhilippinesPeople's Center, Cainta, Rizal March 31, 2019
Through the invitation of JCI Makati and participation of JCI Paranaque Pambato, JCI Antipolo City Lights, JCI Cainta, JCI Quezon City Capitol, and JCI Sumbingtik
HIV Testing  to Counseling Services Training for Hi-Precision DiagnosticsApril 10 to 12, 2019 - facilitated by CAMP Trainers
HIV Testing  to Counseling Services Training for Hi-Precision DiagnosticsApril 10 to 12, 2019 - facilitated by CAMP Trainers
CAMP Pag-Ayo, Inc. Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, with Makialam Radio Program Host Arvin Alivia. A one-hour feature on CAMP and its advocacy efforts was aired at Radyo Nation FM Station, 2 to 3pm, Saturday, March 30, 2019.
CAMP's Social Media Officer, Matthew David, participated in the Community Engagement, Dissemination, and Utilization Training held at the Taguig City Health Office, together with members of the SK Federation Taguig City and Taguig City University Ikatlong Lahi TCU IkatlongLahi.  The seminar is an initiative by the Department of Health Epidemiology Bureau, in partnership with the Taguig Social Hygiene Clinic & Drop-In Center.#ZeroStigmaPH 
CAMP Research & Development Officer, Rogeselle Montonduring the DOH #LHIVEFree School Tour 2019Technological University of the Philippines (TIP)938 Aurora Blvd, Cubao, Quezon CityMarch 22, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
Students of TUP participating in a HIV Awareness Activityduring the DOH #LHIVEFree School Tour 2019Technological University of the Philippines (TIP)938 Aurora Blvd, Cubao, Quezon CityMarch 22, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Research & Development Officer, Rogeselle Montonduring the DOH #LHIVEFree School Tour 2019Technological University of the Philippines (TIP)938 Aurora Blvd, Cubao, Quezon CityMarch 22, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free BoothUP University Job Fair 2019Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, Q.C.March 20, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free BoothUP University Job Fair 2019Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, Q.C.March 20, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free BoothUP University Job Fair 2019Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, Q.C.March 20, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free BoothUP University Job Fair 2019Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, Q.C.March 20, 2019 · #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free Booth MAGNUS JOB FAIR, QC Memorial Circle, Quezon CityMarch 19, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free Booth MAGNUS JOB FAIR, QC Memorial Circle, Quezon CityMarch 19, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH
CAMP Officers at the DOH LHIVE Free Booth MAGNUS JOB FAIR, QC Memorial Circle, Quezon CityMarch 19, 2019  #ZeroStigmaPH

SOGIE and Stigma Reduction Training @ FEU MANILA

[February 27, 2019 - Far Eastern University, Manila]

The Gender and Development Desk of the Far Eastern University (Manila) in partnership with Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP), FEU Central Student Organization and FEU Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) successfully conducted the SOGIE and Stigma Reduction Training. 

The event was led by one of CAMP's director and guest speaker Dr. Jonathan Fontilla. 



SOGIE & Stigma Reduction TrainingFEU ManilaFebruary 27, 2019
SOGIE & Stigma Reduction TrainingFEU ManilaFebruary 27, 2019
SOGIE & Stigma Reduction TrainingFEU ManilaFebruary 27, 2019
SOGIE & Stigma Reduction TrainingFEU ManilaFebruary 27, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019
IPECS TrainingLingayen, PangasinanFebruary 18 to 22, 2019


[February 23, 2019 - Lingayen, Pangasinan]

Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-Ayo, Inc. successfully facilitated the pilot run of the Integrated Peer Education and Community-based Screening Training (IPECS) Training at Hotel Consuelo Resort And Chinese Restaurant, Lingayen, Pangasinan, on February 18 to 22, 2019.  

IPECS is an innovative approach of training HIV Advocates in Peer Education and Community-based Screening using both theory-based approaches and hands-on skills training using arts and social media as the medium to craft Information-Education-Communication materials that will be used in the implementation of the Stigma Reduction Program.

The training was attended by 45 people representing the different cities and municipalities of Pangasinan.  It was implemented by CAMP Pag-Ayo, Inc. in partnership with Myrna's Cafe and the Department of Health Regional Office 1.



"Communicating HIV/AIDS and Addressing Social Stigma" Far Eastern University[February 07, 2019]
"Communicating HIV/AIDS and Addressing Social Stigma" Far Eastern University[February 07, 2019]
CAMP Executive DirectorIan Felix Alquiros Far Eastern University[February 07, 2019]
CAMP Program DirectorDr. Jonathan FontillaFar Eastern University[February 07, 2019]

CAMP's #ZeroStigmaPH Launched at Far Eastern University, Manila

[February 07, 2019 - Far Eastern University, Manila]

CAMP's official program/advocacy hashtag was launched during an alternative class/lecture activity entitled "Communicating HIV/AIDS and Addressing Social Stigma", held at Far Eastern University (FEU) in Manila, Philippines, on February 08, 2019.

Resource Persons for the event was CAMP Directors, Dr. Jonathan Fontilla and Mr. Ian Felix Alquiros, also in attendance was CAMP Officers Ms. Alissa Angeles and Mr. Jedd Rommel.  The lecture was attended by about 100 students from the Health Allied, Communications Arts & Education Department of the University.

The event was part of the celebration of  FEU's 91st founding anniversary and was organized by Ms. Flordeliz Abanto.

The hashtag #ZeroStigmaPH is being launched to reflect the vision of the organization towards a stigma-free Philippines and the use the different forms of arts to advocate positive stigma reduction messages that tackles different LGBTQIA and HIV and AIDS issues. 


"Enhancing Public’s Level of Awareness on HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts" PICC (by DOST/NRCP)[February 13, 2019]
"Enhancing Public’s Level of Awareness on HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts" PICC (by DOST/NRCP)[February 13, 2019]
"Enhancing Public’s Level of Awareness on HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts" PICC (by DOST/NRCP)[February 13, 2019]
"Enhancing Public’s Level of Awareness on HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts" PICC (by DOST/NRCP)[February 13, 2019]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]
"Pararipples 2.0" Mr. Jabar Esmael[February 13, 2019 - PICC]


an advocacy exhibit by Jabar Esmael

[Press Release - November 7, 2019 - Manila]

The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) will be organizing a forum entitled: Enhancing Public’s Level of Awareness on HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts, in support of the national HIV/AIDS campaigns at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) on February 13, 2019 from 7:00am to 5:00pm. As part of the forum, Jabar Esmael, a visual artist and member of the Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP), will be exhibiting his artworks collectively called: The Pararipples - Paradoxical Dualities of Life and its Ripple Effect in Society.

“Life is full of opposite polarities. Our main role is to manage what is in between. Love amidst all fear.” - Jabar Esmael.  

Mr. Esmael will be one of the resource persons during the core advocates section of the forum from 10:30am to 11:30am.  He will also be talking about CAMP’s advocacy on #ZeroStigmaPH and how the organization intends to use the different forms of digital arts to address the major causes of stigma, HIV and AIDS as well as LGBTQIA issues of the community.  

Prominent personalities who will also be attending the forum include Keynote Speaker Dr. Gundo Weiler, Country Representative of the World Health Organization, beauty queens Pia Alonzo-Wurtzbach, Katarina Rodriguez and Mary Ann Bianca Guidotti, actress Elizabeth Oropeza-Freeman and newscaster Ms. Korina Sanchez.

Representatives from the following government agencies are also expected to participate:

1. Department of Health (DOH)

2. National Commission on Culture and Arts (NCCA)

3. Anthropological Association of the Philippines (AAP)

4. Department of Education (DepEd)

5. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

6. Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP)

7. National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP)

8. Senators and/or Technical Staff of the Committee on Public Health

9. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)

10. National Youth Commission (NYC)

11. Congressman and/or Technical Staff of the Committee on Public Health

12. Health Workers Muntinlupa Taguig Parañaque Las Piñas


For more details about CAMP, please visit their website at:



[January 15 to 17, 2019]

The CAMP, Inc. Training Team [ Jonathan Fontilla, Ian Felix Alquiros, Rogeselle Monton & Danica Asejo] facilitated a lecture/workshop on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expressions (SOGIE) & HIV 101 for the 200 dentistry students of the College of Dentistry, Unciano Colleges Inc., located at V. Mapa St. cor. Guadalcanal St. Sta Mesa, City of Manila, Philippines.   Voluntary and Confidential HIV Testing was also provided to the attendees in cooperation with HIV & AIDS Support House, Inc. (HASH).  

Unciano Colleges Inc.College of Dentistry[January 15 to 16, 2019]
Unciano Colleges Inc.College of Dentistry[January 15 to 16 2019]
Unciano Colleges Inc.College of Dentistry[January 15 to 16, 2019]
Unciano Colleges Inc.College of Dentistry[January 15 to 16, 2019]

CAMP facilitates SOGIE and STIGMA reduction workshop for ritm

[December 13, 2018 - Muntinlupa, Philippines]  

CAMP Directors, Jonathan Fontilla & Ian Felix Alquiros, facilitated a lecture-workshop on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) and Stigma Reduction to the employees of Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) in Muntinlupa City, Alabang. 

CAMP "XXX" Art Installation to Celebrate World AIDS Day 2018

[December 01, 2018 - Quezon City, Philippines]  

Volunteers and Scholars of CAMP, Inc. mounts the XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.  

The event was organized by Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-Ayo, Inc.and is part of a series of events for the celebration of the 30th year anniversary of World AIDS Day. #XXXWAD #WorldAIDSDay #DurexPH #KissAIDSGoodbye Project Headshot Clinic LoveYourself, Inc. #CAMPInc #AHF #AIDSHealthCareFoundation #QCLGU #QCHealth #SPGlobal #SPGlobalvoices #Spectrum #LHIVEFree #ZeroStigmaPH

REDUCING SELF STIGMA --- The XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
REDUCING STIGMA FROM FAMILY --- The XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
REDUCING STIGMA FROM COMMUNITY --- The XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
Volunteers and Scholars of CAMP mounted their handprints and signature as a commitment to the Stigma Reduction Advocacy of CAMP.
Volunteers and Scholars of CAMP mounts the XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
Volunteers and Scholars of CAMP mounts the XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
Volunteers and Scholars of CAMP mounts the XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction at the Quezon City Hall Grounds front pathway.
Officers of CAMP and resident Visual Artist Jad Dela Cruz, during the XXX Art Installation for Stigma Reduction event at the Quezon City Hall Grounds.
The event was organized by the Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-Ayo, Inc.and is part of a series of events for the celebration of the 30th year anniversary of World AIDS Day. #XXXWAD #WorldAIDSDay #DurexPH #KissAIDSGoodbye Project Headshot Clinic LoveYourself, Inc. #CAMPInc #AHF #AIDSHealthCareFoundation #QCLGU #QCHealth #SPGlobal #SPGlobalvoices #Spectrum #LHIVEFree
Our Vision A Stigma-Free Philippines where Culture and Arts is a catalyst for personal and societal transformation, psycho-emotional healing, and artistic development.
The XXX Art Installation was organized by the  Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines (CAMP) Pag-Ayo, Inc. with support from The Red Whistle, Loveyourself, Inc., AIDS Healthcare FDoundation, Durex Condoms, S&P Global, Spectrum (LGBTQ & Friends), The Quezon City Local Government Unit and the Quezon City Health Department.
Exhibition Notes: XXX Art Installation.

SOGIE Lecture for LEAP 79 & 80 COACHES

[November 27, 2018 - Pasig City, Philippines]  

CAMP Program Director and LEAP42 alumnus, Jonathan Fontilla, facilitated a lecture on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) to the incoming coaches of LEAP 79 and 80.  Also in attendance is Ian Felix Alquiros,  LEAP76 graduate and Executive Director of CAMP, Inc.

The Leadership Excellence Achievement Program (LEAP) is a 60 to 70 day intensive coaching program that will let you experience total personal empowerment, making ALL your relationships work, 100%. LEAP is all about becoming the grandest version of the greatest vision of who you are. By being clear about what you want and taking full responsibility for every area of your life, you can manifest the life of excellence that you truly deserve.  For more details about the LEAP Trilogy, please go to 

Training of Trainers on HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention and Training on HIV Counseling and Testingfor Philippine National Red Cross' pioneer batch for HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention trained to support HIV Counselling and Testing, and Substance Abuse Prevention in 4 key cities of Manila, QC, Pasay and Mandaluyong supported by IFRC #DynamicHealthServices November 21 to 26, 2018
Training of Trainers on HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention and Training on HIV Counseling and Testingfor Philippine National Red Cross' pioneer batch for HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention trained to support HIV Counselling and Testing, and Substance Abuse Prevention in 4 key cities of Manila, QC, Pasay and Mandaluyong supported by IFRC #DynamicHealthServices November 21 to 26, 2018
Training of Trainers on HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention and Training on HIV Counseling and Testingfor Philippine National Red Cross' pioneer batch for HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention trained to support HIV Counselling and Testing, and Substance Abuse Prevention in 4 key cities of Manila, QC, Pasay and Mandaluyong supported by IFRC #DynamicHealthServices November 21 to 26, 2018

CAMP, INC. at the HIV/AIDS in South East Asia Colloquium

[October 26, 2018 - Quezon City, Philippines] 

CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros, presented the 5-Year Program of CAMP during an artist roundtable discussion/session at the recently concluded HIV/AIDS in Southeast Asia Colloquium (Oct. 25-26) held at the GT Toyota Asian Center Auditorium in UP Diliman.  The event was presented by the UP Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts and SOAS University of London.

HIV/AIDS in South East Asia: A Colloquium on the Intersections of Culture, Health and Sexuality.
GT Toyota Asian Center AuditoriumUniversity of the Philippines, Diliman[October  25 to 26, 2018]
HIV/AIDS in South East Asia: Featured Artists and Organizations.
GT Toyota Asian Center AuditoriumUniversity of the Philippines, Diliman[October  25 to 26, 2018]
Organizers of the HIV/AIDS in South East Asia.
GT Toyota Asian Center AuditoriumUniversity of the Philippines, Diliman[October  25 to 26, 2018]

[May 11, 2018 - Manila, Philippines - Raybert Domingo] 

The Culture and Arts Managers of the Philippines, Incorporated (CAMP, Inc.), a budding non-profit organization, unites the arts and HIV advocacy to support the cause with a pioneering “art for healing” exhibit on 13 June 2018 (4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.) at the Casa Real, Acacia Estates in Taguig City.

CAMP, Inc. Executive Director Ian Felix Alquiros underscored, “We’ve seen in the previous years that arts have been pivotal in bridging people to take bold action, especially in turning the table of HIV epidemic in the country.” Latest data from the Department of Health showed that 871 individuals were diagnosed with HIV in February 2018 alone, bringing the total cases to 52, 280 since 1984.

According to Alquiros, “The launching of CAMP, Inc. excites the Filipino arts and HIV advocacy communities in the effort to formally merge culture and the HIV cause into a singular functioning organization to utilize the arts as a tool for personal and societal journey of healing.”

To raise funds for CAMP’s initial programs in battling the epidemic and serving the affected communities, there are about 30 phenomenal artists and art patrons who will donate about 50 artworks to be auctioned off during the said “art for healing” exhibit.

Among the artists who donated their artworks are Ani ng Dangal Awardees: Edwin S. Loyola and Niccolo Cosme, who will showcase their masterpieces from their “What’s On Your Mind” and “XIV” series, respectively.  

Loyola’s “What’s On Your Mind” series was enthused by his perception of the Philippine society, thus putting powerful words, both aggressive and motivating, into a visual collection laid on a canvass. Cosme’s “XIV” series, on the other hand, was inspired from the 14 stations of the cross, but created within the context of HIV.

Cosme explained, “The pieces from XIV series are painted with HIV positive blood, which I think, give more leverage and texture as well as deeper story on the artworks. This is something that we cannot achieve in terms of digital print.” The conceptual artist also said that through supporting the art exhibit does not only mean donating artworks, but imparting himself and his life for people to imbibe and be inspired with.

Lined-up programs of CAMP include module development in mentoring potential culture and art workers to craft advocacy projects that will primarily benefit the HIV infected and affected communities as well as reintegration of drug users and welfare promotion of transactional sex workers.


CAMP, Inc. is a group of culture managers in the country who envision the use of humanities and the arts as a catalyst to support the HIV infected and affected individuals and communities for their personal and societal transformation and psycho-emotional healing.


For more info/details:

 Ian Felix B. Alquiros

CAMP, Inc. Executive Director


Credits:Raybert DomingoGeno Abanador MaglinaoIosif Cade
Edwin S. Loyola’s “What’s On Your Mind” series was enthused by his perception of the Philippine society, thus putting powerful words, both aggressive and motivating, into a visual collection laid on a canvass.
Niccolo Cosme’s “XIV” series, was inspired by the 14 stations of the cross, but created within the context of HIV.  Cosme explained, “The pieces from XIV series are painted with HIV positive blood, which I think, give more leverage and texture as well as deeper story on the artworks. 
Photographer and CAMP Executive Director, Ian Felix Alquiros' art pieces was also featured on the exhibition. [Kids of Cagbalete]
The successful exhibition featured about 70 art pieces by 27 artists who donated their pieces for the cause. 
YES TO LOVE9in x 12inWatercolor on PaperTeodylene B. Iglesias

Various artworks (Point Pen on Paper)  Jerich A. Eusebio
Handpainted Bamboo Fan  by Traditional Korean Artist Yoon Donghyun (Korean Cultural Center)
DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING18in x 12inMixed MediaJehan Angeli V. Manansala
Pamangayap is a kapampangan term for healing. This classic mermaid cut Philippine Terno is all hand made and embellished as well as the doll. Cascading white veins signifying the process of healing to ones broken soul and the hope of rising again to a better understanding at life.
Cho:lo Doll Couture PhilippinesCholo Ayuyao
PIDAYIT SHAWLSHandcrafted, 3 piecesPhilip Dizon Torres 
The Pidayit style translate to an assortment of clothing and accessories, all bearing the same hand-crafted look and appeal conjoined of chic and culture. 
Pidayit—from “pidayit-dayit,” a Kapampangan word that means putting together clothing materials to form a new one.

This page details the history of our 4-year advocacy of #ZeroStigmaPH